Warren Palmer
Centre Director
More than 30 years ago, the Speakeasy Advice Centre opened its doors and reached out to those overwhelmed by debt and financial struggle. Debt harms families and individuals, young and old. It affects both physical and mental health, impacts educational attainment and deprives people of opportunity. It can feel like a spiral of hopelessness and despair.
Often people need help at an early stage, but don't get it. Easy credit, but at extortionate rates, is always available. When you fear losing your home, or you are faced with the choice of buying food or putting on the heating, borrowing more to provide for your family can seem the only option.
There are things that can be done but often it will need someone with expert knowledge and experience, someone who will seek justice for the client undeterred by threats of creditors and bailiffs. But more than that, it takes someone to treat the client with compassion, who does not judge but gives hope and stands with them over the weeks or months it takes to become free from chronic debt.
Sharing the burden
In 1992 members of Glenwood Church became aware that more and more people were becoming trapped in financial hardship and debt. Recognising that in order to escape from this debilitating cycle people often need specialist help, they launched a free legal advice and representation service - The Speakeasy Advice Centre.
Over the last 29 years we have helped thousands of individuals and families to deal with their debt issues, as well as expanding our work into the areas of welfare benefits, housing and employment law.
We strive to do serve our community with compassion, patience and a constant desire to seek justice for those who struggle to represent themselves.
Fighting injustice
Last year, for every £1 of funding we received, we secured £8.49 of financial benefit for our clients leading to improved health and reduced likelihood of future problems. Our vision is to see people in Cardiff lift themselves out of poverty. We aim to ensure that people:
are relieved from the crippling anxiety of debt, taking an active part in their community
can afford to feed themselves and their families properly
live in good quality housing, safe from the threat of eviction and homelessness
can keep their homes warm and afford to pay their bills
Bringing hope
At the Speakeasy we believe everyone deserves access to expert, impartial advice. We work hard to secure sustainable funding sources which means you don't pay for our services. Ever.
We employ practising, trainee solicitors and specialist advisers who provide legal advice, assistance and representation. We specialise in debt, welfare benefits, housing and employment law. We have delivered high quality advice in the Cardiff area for 29 years, helping thousands of families and individuals to seek justice.
All our advice is completely free of charge, impartial and confidential.